A man inexplicably, with some athletic skill but potential recklessness, climbs on the statue known as ‘Eros’ but it’s actually another Greek god of love Anteros. He is perching on the Greek god of love’s wings. The Statue of Anteros is by Alfred Gilbert, 1893; for the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain in Piccadilly Circus. The climber is not connected with the ‘Free Julian Assange rally’ that is taking place beneath him at the same time, but he does look like a good symbol of ‘Julian Assange flying away from war-criminals and their supporters in highest places, on the Greek god of love’s wings. Though that might be a flight of fantasy! Piccadilly Circus, London, UK, 7 May 2022
Date: 07/05/2022
Location: Piccadilly Circus, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff