"The UK sold crowd control equipment & weapons to Libya and Bahrain, This is Not OK, Stop the arms trade" statement on placard outside the Bahraini Embassy - London, at the time of protest against the injustices and abuses of power by repressive regimes. A London demonstration of solidarity with the Arab Peoples, starts at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The campaigners then march to the Libyan Embassy and then on to Downing Street, British Prime Minister David Cameron residence. The protest is supported by Bahraini Freedom Movement, Watch for Human Rights, British, British Libyan, Solidarity Campaign, Yemeni Human Rights Watch, Egypt Liberation Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative, and others. London, UK, 25/02/2011
Historical note: The kingdom Bahrain, dates from the 14th of February 2002, when the then Emir of Bahrain, Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa, the dictator of Bahrain adopted the tile for himself 'King'.
Date: 25/02/2011
Location: Belgravia, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff