Chris Coverdale war crimes legal expert consults with some Democracy Village protesters from Parliament Square, outside the High Courts of Justice, on the first day of the case for an injunction that is being pursued by the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority (GLA). The defendants as part of their campaign against the war and related issues are camping in Parliament Square Gardens renamed Democracy Village a free area and open forum for the public. However the Greater London Authority perceive Democracy Village as trespass and a challenge to the Mayor of London and GLA’s cherished authority. The GLA are prosecuting people unknown, however fifteen peace campaigners have voluntary become known and named them selves as defendants of their own volition to enable them to address the court to explain their position. The Strand London, 3rd June 2010.
The GLA and Westminster Council claim that "it is unacceptable for Parliament Square to become a campsite with street cleaners having to deal with increased rubbish and police resources being diverted away from crime fighting”.
Chris Coverdale say’s “What is unacceptable to the members of Democracy Village and the peace protestors who gather in Parliament Square is the Genocide that took place in Iraq and the genocide that continues to take place in Afghanistan by order of Parliament."
Date: 03/06/2010
Location: The Strand, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff