Tony Benn versus BBC
Warning if you read below you will see information that is banned by the BBC and Sky Television
The BBC normally a news provider became itself the news story when it refused to transmit an appeal for humanitarian aid for the victims of the war in Gaza at the end of the conflict with Israel. Tony Benn, President of the Stop the War Coalition, 84 year old veteran campaigner, with other humanitarian campaigners delivers an open letter to the BBC urging them to reconsider their decision, and asking them to broadcast the humanitarian aid appeal as a matter of urgency to help relieve the suffering of the victims of war in Gaza. The event is accompanied by a demonstration and a march ending in Trafalgar Square. London, UK, 24 January 2009
The Gaza Crisis Appeal details that are banned by the BBC and later by Sky Television are:
Phone: Call DEC automated 24 hour credit card hotline 0370 60 60 900
Post: Make cheques payable to DEC Gaza Crisis and post to DEC Gaza Crisis, PO Box 999, London EC3A 3AA
or go to any Post Office quoting Freepay number:1210
A day later Sky Television also succumbs to Israeli pressure and refuses to transmit the DEC Gaza Crisis appeal for humanitarian aid for the victims of war.
Date: 24/01/2009
Location: Portland Place, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff