Les Gibbard (1945-2010) cartoonist and animator. Picture shows Leslie David Gibbard working on carlton television, TVC feature, "Willows in Winter". Les Gibbard, New Zealand born artist was political cartoonist of the Guardian starting from the age of 23 in 1969 until 1994; his cartoons were also featured in other national newspapers. Gibbard went on to work in animated cartoon films and television productions, including versions of Peter Rabbit, Under Milk Wood and Wind in the Willows; additionally Gibbard created political caricatures for Television, for Channel 4's A Week in Politics; BBC TV's Newsnight; and, On the Record. He is Author of the book, Gibbard's Double Decade Omnibus, featuring his political cartoons from The Guardian newspaper 1969 to 1991. London, UK, 1996
Location: Fitzrovia, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff