Craig Murray

Craig Murray human rights campaigner, author and former British ambassador, speaking outside the Royal Courts of Justice to the large crowds. He predicts the result of the that he has been attending the hearings for the journalist Julian Assange’s extradition to the US for revealing their military war crimes. Julian Assange has been granted the right to appeal against extradition to US, a decision that Craig Murray anticipated before this hearing. However Julian Assange is still being held in England's harshest prison after more than five years, continuing a long, cruel and wrongful detainment. Royal Courts of Justice. Strand, London, UK, 20 May 2024

Date: 20/05/2024

Location: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff

Craig Murray

Craig Murray human rights campaigner, author and former British ambassador, speaking outside the Royal Courts of Justice to the large crowds. He predicts the result of the that he has been attending the hearings for the journalist Julian Assange’s extradition to the US for revealing their military war crimes. Julian Assange has been granted the right to appeal against extradition to US, a decision that Craig Murray anticipated before this hearing. However Julian Assange is still being held in England's harshest prison after more than five years, continuing a long, cruel and wrongful detainment. Royal Courts of Justice. Strand, London, UK, 20 May 2024

Date: 20/05/2024

Location: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff