Free Julian Assange campaigners outside Australia House, High Commission of Australia in London the diplomatic mission of Australia in Britain. Julian Assange the eminent Australian journalist, publisher and founder of Wikileaks, is experiencing British injustice at its worst, in a high security prison Belmarsh for exposing war crimes. He’s awaiting possible extradition to the country that committed the war crimes he revealed. A group of ten demonstrators within the larger group, slightly on the front hold each letter spelling out the words “FREE ASSANGE”, slightly behind them other protesters hold messages including, from right to left “British Courts Need To Obey The Rule Of Law” “Hands Off Assange”, “Don’t Extradite Assange, Journalism is not a crime”, “We Are Julian Assange”, “Hands Off Assange, Don’t Shoot The Messenger”, “Hands Off Assange, No U.S. Extradition”, “Free Julian Assange Now”, (ISBN) “978-18397 66220”, “Stop This Show Trial!” and some repeats. Australia House, Strand, London, UK, Wednesday 10 August 2022
Date: 10/08/2022
Location: Strand, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff