141 Cleveland Street, London, has a blue plaque placed by the London County Council that reads: “Samuel Morse 1791-1872 American painter and inventor of the Morse Code lived here 1812–1817.”
Samuel Finley Breese Morse lived at this London address for three years, during these years he was exclusively engaged in his artistic career as a painter. An important attribute for an artist is to be creative and inventive, Morse later showed when he returned to America he had both qualities in an exceptional way, however in an unexpected way for a painter, when he invented the concept of a single-wire telegraph and Morse code a rhythmic transmission of data language for telegraphy and radio transmission. His other inventions include a three dimensional marble-cutting machine. Cleveland Street, London, UK
Morse Code is a code that represents the letters of the alphabet and numbers in dots and dashes; short and long, that can be transmitted as sound or light. Invented by Samuel Morse (1791–1872) American inventor and artist. The code was initially used for the telegraph.
Image shows Samuel F. B. Morse's home for three years in London.
Date: 08/05/2008
Location: Cleveland Street, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff