I have recently seen a lovely documentary “Le potager de mon grand-père” at a special cinema screening in France. It is made by Martin Esposito filming his grandfather who he clearly is very fond of. His Grandfather, an Italian immigrant from long ago to France, is a widower who is devoted to working on his garden and cooking the produce. The garden a homage to his deceased wife and distraction from his loneliness gives him a purpose for living. He uses old techniques what we would now call organic, using his own seeds, does not use chemicals, nor modern machinery that destroy the earth worms and insects, pollute and reduces the quality of the produce. On the other hand we occasionally see his brother-in-law who is his neighbour, doing all these offending techniques, and more, including buying his plants from the shops - unspeakable. It is an enchantingly gentle film which shows the various seasons of his garden as they unfold. Though you have to see it with your gardening eyes, no car chases, guns or excitement like that, but cooking, conserves and gardening.
Location: Garden