Norman Solomon author and peace campaigner from the USA on his way to present to the committee in Oslo a petition with over 100,000 names and counting, calling for Bradley Manning to be awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Norman Solomon is speaking at a public meeting titled "War and Whistleblowers - Why Bradley Manning Should be Free" held at the Wesley, arranged by Stop the War Coalition. London, UK, 9th August 2013
Norman Solomon author of books including:
Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America's Warfare State (October 2007)
War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death (July 2005)
Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn't Tell You (co-authored with Reese Erlich) (2003) Download at Coldtype as a free PDF download (691kb)
The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media (1999)
Wizards of Media Oz: Behind the Curtain of Mainstream News (co-authored with Jeff Cohen) (1997)
The Trouble With Dilbert: How Corporate Culture Gets the Last Laugh (1997) This Book is Online
Through the Media Looking Glass: Decoding Bias and Blather in the News (with Jeff Cohen) (1995)
False Hope: The Politics of Illusion in the Clinton Era (1994)
Adventures in Medialand: Behind the News, Beyond the Pundits (with Jeff Cohen) (1993)
The Power of Babble: The Politician's Dictionary of Buzzwords and Doubletalk for Every Occasion (1992)
Unreliable Sources: A Guide to Detecting Bias in News Media (co-authored with Martin A. Lee) (1990)
Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience With Atomic Radiation (co-authored with Harvey Wasserman (1982) This Book is Online
Norman Solomon Co-Founder, RootsAction; Founding Director, Institute for Public Accuracy.
Date: 09/08/2013
Location: Euston, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff